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Weight Management Program

Changes Medical Spa & Laser Center

Medical Spa & Laser Center located in Johnson City, TN

Weight Loss Treatment at Changes Medical Spa & Laser Center

Let us help you with your weight loss journey. We have several options to improve your overall health and wellness.  Our weight loss program is regulated by our Medical Director, Dr. Richared E. Jackson, to ensure the highest level of care, safety, and comfort.  For the most accurate body composition analysis, our staff use the Body Comp Scale Elite to evaluate the patient’s overall muscle mass, body fat, total body water, and other individualized measurements.

In addition, Dr. Jackson is now offering the Prolon 5 day fasting mimicking diet to jump start your weight loss. The Prolon kit is 5 days worth of research-based food, with little or no hunger. It promotes better health, longevity and weight reduction. 

Call the office today for a free phone screening to see how you can benefit from our new weight loss programs. 


Benefits of Weight Loss Medications

  • Popular weight
    loss solution
  • Always administered
    by a medical
  • Precise body metrics with
    Body Comp Scale Elite
  • Reduces weight quickly,

  • Curbs the appetite to
    decrease calorie intake
  • Individualized treatment
    with minimal downtime

*Patients lose 3-8lbs per week on average. Results may vary.